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Deputy Vice-Chancellor's Introduction

Rachel Sandison

I am delighted to share with you our international strategy.

‘At the heart of this new strategy is the power of collaboration and teamwork...Global connectivity does, can, and will, enhance our educational offerings, our research capability and our societal impact, creating an environment in which our colleagues, students and wider communities can thrive.’

The last five years have been transformational, both for the University of Glasgow and the world. Significant strides have been made by the University to internationalise our community, our curriculum and our connections, with the University also enjoying exponential growth in international student numbers both at home and overseas. 

In April of 2021 we launched our new strategy: World Changers Together: World Changing Glasgow 2025. Building on our previous strategy, 'Inspiring People Changing the World', it articulates a vision to bring inspiring people together through a shared common purpose, unlocking our vast potential as a world-changing community.

At the heart of this new strategy is the power of collaboration and teamwork. The unprecedented events of 2020/21 have shown that as a university, we flourish when we work together. We have proven that by working collaboratively we can achieve things that may have seemed unimaginable only a short while ago. It is this ethos of teamwork and collaboration that is at the heart of our international strategy.

It is vital that we remain global in outlook and collaborative in approach. The global pandemic, climate crisis, the impact of Brexit and the threat of protectionism has thrown into sharp relief the importance of our international endeavours. Scientific and social solutions to the pandemic, climate change and the grand challenges of our time will require both cross-disciplinary and cross-border cooperation that will harness the power of collective expertise.

Our ambitions are bold, and I think you will find that this is reflected in this highly ambitious international strategy.

Global connectivity does, can, and will, enhance our educational offerings, our research capability and our societal impact, creating an environment in which our colleagues, students and wider communities can thrive. 

Together, we are World-Changing Glasgow

Rachel Sandison

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (External Engagement)

Global Glasgow: International Strategy 2025

As individuals, we have achieved the incredible: together, we have changed the world

Internationalisation at the University of Glasgow

Glasgow is a globally connected university with deep civic roots. For over 560 years, the University of Glasgow has established creative and vibrant partnerships with communities, colleagues and students across the world. We collaborate to develop our teaching and research with partners around the world and welcome conversations with potential partners in education, industry, commerce and government.

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