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Other Ways to Donate

There are many ways to support AAGU. If you have any questions about making a gift please contact us.


Please send a note of your name, address, graduation details (if applicable) and preferred area of support along with your check, made payable to ‘American Alumni of Glasgow University’. Checks should be posted to: 

Melvyn Pond, President
183 Wolf Harbor Road
Milford, CT 06461-1961

Email: melvynpond@aol.com 

Stocks and Securities 

Making a gift of stocks and other securities often means significant tax benefits for the donor. American Alumni of Glasgow University accepts both electronic securities transfers and stock certificates.

Mail stock certificates to Melvyn Pond, President, AAGU, 183 Wolf Harbor Road, Milford, CT 06461-1961. Stock certificates will be deposited into the brokerage account for AAGU.

Stock can be transferred electronically into the Wells Fargo account. Melvyn Pond will give you the necessary information. He can be contacted by email at: melvynpond@aol.com or by mail at : 183 Wolf harbour Road, Milford  CT 06461 

Legacy Gifts 

For many donors, a bequest made under a Will is the easiest way to make a significant gift to American Alumni of Glasgow University (AAGU). These charitable gifts are 100% deductible from your taxable estate and may be designated when you create a new Will and/or add a codicil to your existing Will.

To ensure that your exact wishes are implemented, AAGU suggests that you seek the advice of counsel when preparing your Will or codicil.

Types of bequests:

Specific bequest – a stated dollar amount or a particular asset.

Residuary bequest – a percentage of the remainder of the estate after specific amounts bequeathed to others have been distributed and estate related expenses paid.

Contingent bequest – a gift that takes effect only if other beneficiaries predecease you.

Testamentary trust – provides one of more heirs income for life after which assets pass to AAGU.

Suggested language which could be used in your Will:

“I bequeath to American Alumni of Glasgow University, a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation organized and existing under the laws of the District of Columbia with the business address of--------------------------------- the sum of -------------------------------- (dollars or a percentage of the estate) to be used exclusively for charitable purposes. It is my hope that these funds will be utilized for the support of ----------------------------- (a specific purpose or general support can be inserted here)”.

In accordance with U.S. tax law, AAGU may not receive restricted gifts. However, the Board of AAGU gives every consideration to donors’ requests when allocating gifts to the University of Glasgow.

Planned Giving 

1. Retirement plans

Using retirement assets as a gift vehicle can be a tax-efficient way to fund all or part of a bequest to AAGU. Naming AAGU as a beneficiary of retirement plans that remain in your estate can reduce potential double taxation.

2. Life insurance

Naming AAGU as a beneficiary of a new or existing life insurance can give immediate tax benefits and future premiums can be tax deductible.

3. Life income plans

A life income plan can benefit both you and AAGU. You may increase your income, receive an income tax charitable deduction, eliminate capital gains taxes and reduce estate taxes.

A Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT) is established through an irrevocable transfer of cash, securities or real estate and provides you or your beneficiaries with lifetime income with payments based on a fixed percentage of the trust’s value or a fixed dollar amount. After the life interest(s) have ended the principle is transferred to AAGU and used in accordance with your wishes. A charitable tax deduction for a portion of your contribution is available in the year that you make the gift.

A Charitable Lead Trust (CLT) is established through an irrevocable transfer of assets and provides AAGU with annual income for a specific term of years, usually 10-20. When the trust terminates, the principal is transferred to your beneficiaries. You can receive Federal gift and estate-tax deductions for the value of the annual trust payments to AAGU.

A CRT or a CLT is managed by a third party financial institution experienced in charitable asset management and AAGU can help with getting you in contact with such an institution.

There are many complexities involved in choosing a planned gift programme that is suitable for you and it is important to consult your tax advisor as you proceed.

Amazon Smile

Amazon Smile is a simple and automatic way for you to support AAGU every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at smile.amazon.com, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as Amazon.com, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to AAGU.

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